Sunday, August 17, 2008

Gen Con 2008 Sunday

(Another temporary post, sadly, as I'm feeling really sick from some kind of cold thingy.)

Great turnout for 8 AM CE: 15 people! Thanks again to Derek for bringing his EON set and I hope everyone had a good time.

Dungeonquest was a first: all 8 players (the full event) turned in actual event tickets. I promise I'll have the two sets tuned up for next year.

I had two interested people show up to play Return of the Heroes, and I stepped in as a third. We all maxed out our main combat ability cubes and the luck of the Guard draw had me winning the game. I can agree with the assessment of the table: a fun game, but if you have something similar (Talisman, Runebound, Prophecy, etc.) then probably not one you need to pick up. Still, I like its limitations now that I know how it works.

I was tired and sniffling all day from a cold and lack of sleep. Hopefully this will blow over quickly.

More and a wrapup when I get the chance.

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